The book is here!


My first official published piece is here!

I am so excited to not only be a part of this anthology, but to be included with some awesome authors including my friends, BJ Gillum and Rachel Holbrook.

If you want a copy for yourself, please go to:

They run $15 + $2.75 for s&h. I’ve been invited back for the next anthology, so stay tuned.

You can also check out Rachel’s website at:

No, BJ, doesn’t have one, but he does have a few books listed on Amazon.

Thank you all for the encouragement and support. Take care.



theystoodalone                                                            They Stood Alone: A Poetry and Prose Anthology

Soon you’ll be able to order a copy of the anthology my poem, “The Leaf” is published in. In the meantime, here is a preview of what the book looks like and the fantastic authors along with me. I’ll keep you posted on how you can order in the future. Thank you for all your support.

Robin (Crowe) Haase